The MAESTRO ALPS/ULSAP module adds an additional set of limit state criteria to MAESTRO’s automatic failure mode evaluation. Features include:
Ultimate limit state evaluation of unstiffened uni-axially stiffened panels and cross-stiffened panels.
Any combination of load components, namely longitudinal axial compression or tension, transverse axial compression or tension, edge shear, longitudinal in-plane bending, transverse-in-plane bending-and lateral pressure can be applied.
Either steel or aluminum alloy material can be dealt with, considering the softening effect in heat affected zone caused by welding.
Initial imperfections in form of initial deflections and welding residual stresses are dealt with as parameters of influence.
Various types of structural degradation such as corrosion wastage (general or pitting), fatigue cracking-and local denting are dealt with as parameters of influence.
Impact pressure action arising from sloshing, slamming and green water can be analyzed for providing permanent set in terms of panel deflection.